Projects in Computer Science

AWS app demo

Gifify App

I developed a Gifify app where a user can upload a video and get it processed into a gif. This is a Flask app deployed to AWS EC2 instance. The user login data is saved into DynamoDB, while the users’ uploaded videos and resulting gifs are stored on S3 buckets. The video processing is implemented through a Lambda function (deployed via Docker to ECS).

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Java game demo

Hunt the Wumpus Game

Java-based implementation of the ‘73 classics “Hunt the Wumpus”, using MVC design pattern and object oriented programming (OOP). The game can be played in both GUI and text-based modes.

Java code

UML Diagram

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Node.js app demo

GhostKitchen App

In a series of GhostKitchen projects, I teamed up with another student to develop a Node.js app that supports CRUD operations for processing new orders for a restaurant chain. The app has 3 versions that differ in database used for backend - one version is based on SQLite, another on MongoDB and yet another on Redis.

SQL code

MongoDB code

Redis code

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Forbes 500 best companies for work

Best Companies for Work App

In this project, I teamed up with another student to develop a Python app to explore Forbes 500 best companies to work for. I was responsible for web scraping, data cleaning, creating a SQLite database and data visualizations.


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disaster response Flask app

Disaster Response app

In this project, I built a model for an API that classifies disaster messages. The datasets provided by Figure Eight contain real messages sent during disaster events and their respective categories. The task was to train the supervised ML classifier to automate categorization of the new messages so that different disaster relief agencies would receive only relevant ones. The model was then deployed as a Python Flask app to Heroku.



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Projects in Data Science


Detecting System Failure poster

Signal Processing + Convolutional Neural Networks on Time Series data

I participated in experiential learning project at Northeastern University in cooperation with Lightning eMotors, an automotive research and manufacturing company that develops zero-emission all-electric powertrains. The company provided a dataset with over 9 million unique observations for 19 different variables across different vehicle units. Using this dataset, we developed a method to predict system failure with Signal Processing and Machine Learning techniques (CNN). The predictive model yielded outstanding results (0.95 accuracy score on test data) and can be utilized commercially as an early detection mechanism for system failure.



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deep learning network Photo Credit Ardon Dertat

Deep Learning

In this project, I have first developed code for an image classifier built with PyTorch in Jupyter Notebook, then converted it into a command line application. The application allows you to choose one of the pretrained architectures, specify different hyperparameters (learning rate, hidden layers, epochs) and use either GPU or CPU for training. I also implemented saving the checkpoints so that you can continue training if stopped. Image Classifier predicts 102 flower categories.


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Clusterisation results based on Conversion Rates

Unsupervised Machine Learning

In this project, I analyzed the customer behavior in the Starbucks Rewards Mobile App. After signing up for the app, customers receive promotions every few days. The task was to identify which customers are influenced by promotional offers the most and what types of offers to send them in order to maximize the revenue. I used PCA and K-Means clustering to arrive at 3 customer segments (Disinterested, BOGO, Discount) based on Average Conversion Rates and explored their demographic profiles and shopping habits.

Code + Presentation

Technical Report

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Retention Rates

Marketing Analytics

In a series of Marketing Analytics projects, I used Online Retail II dataset to create cohorts based on monthly data, calculated retention rates and visualized them via a heatmap. Then I created RFM (Recency, Frequency, Monetary) segments, calculated RFM Score for each customer and segmented into 3 custom segments ‘Top’, ‘Middle’ and ‘Low’ based on the total RFM Score. Finally, I calculated the revenue-based CLV (Customer Lifetime Value) for each customer.

Code for Cohort Analysis

Code for RFM Analysis

Code for CLV Prediction

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Purchas Analytics results

Purchase Analytics

In this project, I analyzed purchase behavior of customers that bought 5 different brands of chocolate bars in a physical FMCG store during 2 years. In total, they made 58,693 transactions, captured through the loyalty cards they used at checkout. Based on the results of customer segmentation, I explored the segments sizes and answered the following business questions: 1. How often do people from different segments visit the store? 2. What brand do customer segments prefer on average? 3. How much revenue each customer segment brings?


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Tableau Dashboard

Tableau Dashboard

In this project, I performed data analysis to recommend short-term renting strategy for Watershed, a residential rental properties firm. To do this, I extracted relevant data from a real estate MySQL database, analyzed data in Excel to identify the best opportunities to increase revenue and maximize profits and created a Tableau dashboard to show the results of a sensitivity analysis.


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IBM data science platform

Content Recommendations

In this project, I implemented different recommendation engines for users of the IBM Watson Studio platform.
- Rank Based Recommendations: recommended the most popular articles based on the highest user interactions
- User-User Based Collaborative Filtering: recommended unseen articles that were viewed by most similar users
- Content Based Recommendations: recommended articles based on similarity of content


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